Hope Marine Sweater

figtny.com | Hope Marine Sweater

I know its Summer but I can’t wait for cooler weather simply because of my Hope sweaters. For now, I have a very brief window of opportunity to wear this, on a rare, cool’ish early NY morning…right now I’m styling with slips as a dress and plan on wearing it with shorts in the right weather conditions (fingers crossed ; ) …in the Fall and Winter this baby will be in heavy rotation with leathers and ripped skinnies !!!

Hope Marine Sweater | Black

figtny.com | Hope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | La Garconne delivery figtny.com | Hope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | Hope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | Hope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | Hope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | La Garconne delivery figtny.com | Hope Marine SweaterHope Marine Sweaterfigtny.com | outfit • 57figtny.com | outfit • 57figtny.com | outfit • 57figtny.com | outfit • 57

4 responses to “Hope Marine Sweater”

  1. Heidi says:

    Love an oversized knit sweater. This will be perfect with destructed skinnies and boots in the fall.

    Heidi D.

  2. Jessie says:

    perfect sweater. just found your blog and i am obsessed with your style! =)


  3. Diana says:

    Hello! what size do you wear in this sweater? Thank you!

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